What It's Like To Study Dental Therapy?

Julianne Martinez - Dental Hygiene & Therapy Student

The Dental Hygiene & Therapy course in Cardiff allows us to treat patients from screening, as well as patients that may be referred to us by their dentist for a specific treatment. We first learn & practice clinical skills on 'phantom heads' & then practice some procedures on each other. Halfway through first year we see our first patients, a very exciting time for all dental students! Apart from the dental hospital in Cardiff, we are also exposed to other hospitals around Wales, such as St. David’s & Mountain Ash, where we carry out placement & get to experience different dental settings & ways of working.

Julianne Martinez

Julianne Martinez

What do you enjoy most about your course?

Aside from an extremely friendly & helpful staff, my favourite thing must be how rewarding the job actually is. To see how happy patients are after their treatment really makes all the clinical skills sessions, lectures & revision totally worth it! 

This course is the perfect combination between science, art & making people smile which are three of my favourite things.

What did you do to get into dental school?

My journey to get into dental school was a very long one, but one that I am proud of. It took 3/4 years of unsuccessful applications, a degree in dental technology & a diploma in dental nursing for me to finally get a place in my dream course. Dental hygiene & therapy is a very competitive course, as there are only 10-15 places per year, but my journey definitely proves that hard work really does pay off & to never give up.

What kind of person would suit studying your course?

Determination, focus & motivation is necessary for revision & exam season. Compassion, empathy, teamwork & communication allows me to build a rapport with my & the ability to put revision into practice is what allows me to provide safe & successful patients & build their confidence & trust in me. Additionally, good manual dexterity, precision treatment to my patients, increasing patient satisfaction.