I am office based and no longer work with patients. My role involves maintaining and overseeing the provision of postgraduate education and training for the dental team in Wales. I work with many different stakeholders and partners including Welsh Government and Dental Deans in the rest of the UK.
Kirstie Moons
I am specifically responsible for developing and managing postgraduate, dental foundation, core and specialty training and continuing multi-professional education and training for all dental registrants, working within Wales. I have to consider local needs and national guidance as may be issued by Welsh Government/GDC and the strategic direction set by the Board or Executive Team within Health Education & Improvement Wales. I also lead the development of educational strategies to meet the increasing and varied demands of the service and initiating policies aimed at promoting the requirements of clinical governance for all dental professionals working in Wales.
The variety of the work the role covers and the people I work with, both internally and externally. I consider myself very fortunate to be in a position where I can influence and make changes at a national and local level that can make a difference to the workforce and patient care.
I started my training as a dental nurse in the dental hospital then worked in various roles in the hospital: trained DN, Senior DN, DN Training Officer, DN Manager and latterly Directorate Manager of the dental hospital and then of the Community Dental Service. Following this I left the NHS and took a job in the Deanery, which was then in Cardiff University, as Associate Director for DCP Education where I was able to shape the direction of travel for DCP education and began to get more exposed to national workstreams and meetings including holding a seat on the Welsh Dental Committee.
While in this role I joined the GDC Council as the Council Member for Wales which gave me additional strategic insight into the regulatory landscape and context. I Chaired the GDC Policy and Research Board, contributed to many strategic areas of work and presented at various national forums and events.
When the Deanery transferred into HEIW my role was renamed to reflect the dental team evolving and I became the Associate Director for Dental Team Workforce Planning and Development and gained greater insight into national policy making and direction before finally applying and gaining the role of PGDD which I took up in January 2021.
Along the way I have done various courses and postgraduate education to develop my knowledge and skills further. I have also taken on ‘extra-curricular’ roles such as Union Rep, External Examiner, mentoring and coaching for female learners in a sixth-form college and Vice-Chair of School Governing body as well as others. I have undertaken funded research projects with colleagues, presented at an international research conference and co-authored published papers. I like learning and I like people – always a useful combination!
Someone who is happy to lead and comfortable stepping out of their comfort zone. An organised person who likes people and is able to communicate well with lots of different people on different levels. Responds well to stress and heavy workload and can read lots of material quickly. Happy to do more and never stop learning (or enjoying what you do!).