Service Manager (now A Quality Business Partner)

Mair Aubrey

My name is Mair Aubrey and I joined Leonard Cheshire as a Support Worker nearly 20 years ago. I worked there through an agency and really enjoyed it the work. I believed in Leonard Cheshire’s ethos and I worked my way up through the company. I am now Quality Business Partner for Wales.

Mair Aubrey - Service Manager

Mair Aubrey - Service Manager

What’s the best part of your job?  

The best part of my job is going round all the services, meeting the people we support throughout Wales and being part of the team who helps improve on the service we provide them. 

What made you decide on the role?   

I chose this role because I had been interested in this side of Social Care for a few years. The thing I like best about my job is how I get to meet a variety of people we support, I get to spend time with them and get to know them. 

What key skills are needed to do your role well? 

To be a good Quality Business Partner you need these skills to be an effective communicator and able to adapt communication styles to varying audiences and to be able to motivate and inspire staff to maintain and improve their practice.   

The key skills you need to be a Quality Business Partner are being an effective communicator. It’s important I’m able to quickly build a trusting, open and honest relationship with the people I meet, so they feel comfortable being honest with me, especially if they feel the service being provided could be improved upon.