What It’s Like To Study Dental Hygiene?

Curtis Whitehead - Dental Hygiene Student

I study Dental Hygiene at Cardiff University, this involves the study and limiting the progression and monitoring periodontal status of patients through both advice and practical skills. The patients we encounter have poor hygiene or a history of periodontal disease in their family. It is our aim to limit the progression and keep their mouth in top condition and stabilise the disease. I train in The Heath Hospital, St Davids Hospital and Mountain Ash on placement. 

Curtis Whitehead

Curtis Whitehead

What do you enjoy most about your course?

I mostly enjoy the patient management; this involves establishing a relationship of trust with the patient and constructing a treatment plan which best suits the patient to improve their periodontal status and give them their confidence back. I also really enjoy the learning of the anatomical features of the skull and all the nerves. This was difficult at times but once you understand the anatomy all the practical things such as giving local anaesthetic and scaling come with it so easily.

What did you study to get into dental school?

  • 3 A levels Biology, Chemistry and Maths.
  • 18 months of dental nursing. 

What kind of person would suit this course?

  • someone who is passionate about improving people's lives
  • someone who is genuine and has a positive attitude
  • highly motivated and wants to learn new exciting things
  • unselfish and can work as a team well
  • someone who loves teeth
  • good practically.